After long stressing months of hard work in a major construction project, a holiday in a tranquil, serene and lush environment is a respite every member of our group is looking forward to. With desire to attain complete relaxation in a level which will allow us to calmly reconnect with nature and rejuvenate our strained mind and lost strength, Kandy (Sri Lanka) is the perfect place to go in this island nation. It is our natural gateway to the exciting peaks of its hill country.
Kandy is the English name for the city of “Maha Nuvara” (Senkadagalapura) located in the centre of the island. It is the last royal capital of Sri Lanka and is a major tourist destination and one of the most scenic cities. It is developed around two open spaces of an elongated square. At the end houses the culturally important administration buildings of the old capital and a majestic quadrangular man-made lake. Being the second largest city of the island, it is both an administrative and religious city.
Kandy lies at an altitude of 465m above sea level in the midst of hills in the Kandy Valley looped by Sri Lanka's largest river: the Mahaweli. It crosses a vast, peaceful and beautiful tropical plantations composed partly of rubber tree and mainly of tea. It is among the best source of the world famous Ceylon Tea. And tea pot here is huge!
Kandy is famous for the many temples that the city could be called the cultural capital of the island. One of the most significant of which is the Temple of the Tooth (Palace of the Tooth Relic) that houses the Relic of the tooth of the Buddha. Originally part of the Royal Palace complex of the Kandyan Kingdom, it is one of the holiest places of worship and pilgrimage for Buddhist around the world. It was last of a series of temples built in the places where the relic, the actual palladium of the Sinhalese monarchy, was brought following the various relocations of the capital city.
The Palace of the Tooth relic, the palace complex and the holy city of Kandy are associated with the history of the dissemination of Buddhism. The temple is the product of the last peregrination of the relic of the tooth of Buddha and the testimony of a religion which continues to be practiced today.
Kandy’s pleasant temperate climate, its lovely location and its rich history has made it a favorite haven for travelers. It has a huge number of hotels and restaurants to suit any budget. There are some international hotel chains and several local hotel chains providing star class facilities. Other accommodations include guest houses and home stay providers.
With wonderful facilities, our group enjoyed the accommodations a lot. After a relaxing moment, the pool is there for a swim to flex your muscles and show your abs. There is a wireless internet connection whichs allows you to contact your better half and assure her that you are in the office working hard (alright that’s a joke, wife always understand it is necessary to visit places like Kandy once in a while). Likewise, there is a comfortable bed to gracefully sleep on when you get tired, and a spacious kitchen to cook your favorite dish and feed your colleagues who are constantly hungry and in search of food.
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