
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tintin's Mystique Smile

Bringing up a child is one of the most difficult jobs the parents will have to face and with care and diligence, must successfully carry out. It is actually the core foundation of a child’s well being that will affect all the succeeding phases of his life as she interacts with the society. So, it is very important that parents will give their child a good start in life through proper nurturing, balance rearing and correct upbringing. This is the reason why I take pride in seeing children who, even at an early age, already manifest signs of how effective they have been raised by their parents. This matter is very significant, and in fact, has been the subject of my previous post.

Just like any other parents, my brother Tonton and his lovely wife Vi, make sure they give their best in raising their daughter, Tintin. Whilst the process is, of course, complicated and comprising a lot of aspects, following some basic steps could make everything a lot easier and achievable.

The following memorable images covering two years of Tintin’s happy child life, as she continues to grow up, should somehow reflect how effective she is being raised by Tonton and Vi. Relating to some expert advice from child specialists and yours truly, I could only draw similarities on how possibly Tonton and Vi manage to do it.

“Let loose with your children. When the time is appropriate, encourage them to be silly and be silly right along with them. Laughter is good for the soul!”

Tintin’s smile says it all. This is not often as I have known her to be somewhat reserve in giving a smile, that oftentimes her smiles are somewhat mystifying, bewildering and enchanting.

"Encourage your child to think outside the box. Allowing her to express herself creatively does wonders for their self-esteem, not to mention her imagination!”

Who wouldn’t be influenced by such an expression? Probably Ton would be helpless and will only say, “Nak, what is it you want?” :-)

“Spend quality time with her. Even on small things. The point is spending time together, not necessarily doing the same thing.”

It's okay if you cannot join her in wearing pink as much as she does. If her favorite pink clothes and accessories are not your thing, stay in the front yard with her as she proudly models the color that she dearly loves.

“Dance with your child. Dancing activities teach kid to follow instruction, improve her timing and wait for her turn, but it is also a wonderful bonding opportunity between parent and child.”

Don’t worry if you’re not as good as she is. She has talent, you have courage. It blends.

“Let your child engage into sports and other healthy undertakings. It will help her develop a strong body and have an early understanding of discipline.”

Joining Tintin in a swim is not as scary as you think. She has an inert ability to float on her own. So you are safe even if you don’t know how to swim. :)

“Watch a funny but worthwhile TV program with your child. Watching not only inspires her imaginations, but lightens her heart and makes her happy and worry-free.”

But you have to laugh during the funny scenes. She may think you don’t appreciate educational cartoons and children shows. Yes, she likes them more than football and HBO.

“Encourage your child to join contests and meet new friends in the process. Friendly competition prepares her for the life’s varied challenges.”

For Tintin, with her parents supports and encouragement, winning isn’t hard and the crown is within her reach.

“Allow your child to freely develop her self- image and build up self-confidence.”

As mirrored from her parents and probably influenced by her Aunties, Tintin is starting to develop her self-image and self confidence. Yes, she may be a little reluctant with the outfit, but she'll get used to it soon.

“Allow your child to solve her own problems among her friends. Teach her to stand up for herself. But of course, you should be ready to provide the lifting hands every time she needs them.”

Lifting Tintin could get even more difficult each year. But Tonton is getting ready for it as he mountain bikes his muscles to fitness.

Raising a child can be challenging at times, but it is so rewarding when you start to see your efforts pay off. Have fun with your child. Raising a child also means raising a child with strong self-esteem who knows how to have fun and help shape them into self-assured, independent individuals.

Tintin may just be starting, but she is in for a good start. And as time passes by, let's hope to discover more of what's behind that mystique smile. c“,)