
Monday, September 21, 2009

Family Dishes During Ordinary Occasions

During ordinary occasions in the family, like month birthday celebrations of the new babies, Charize and Attila or AG, my mom, with the kind assistance of the sisters and Aunties, prepares sumptuous dishes for family members and select guests. Not really special dishes per se but the ones truly enjoyed by everyone during previous occasions. The taste, the mastery of preparation and the overwhelming approval of the guest and family members make the rather simple and usual family dishes, special and grand in the eyes of all of us.

On the last occasions celebrating 7th month and 4th month birthdays of Charize and Attilla respectively, several dishes were prepared by the family. It is more of a “merienda” (snack) meal serves in between lunch and dinner when family members and invited guests will gather and celebrate the events. The foods composed of favorite noodles and pasta dishes, fried chicken and meat spring rolls, some Filipino sweet cakes, desserts and jelly drinks and with some store-bought cakes and soda drinks, the feast is complete.

To showcase some of the family dishes often cook by mom and company during rather ordinary celebrations, let me give you a photo tour once again.

Filipino Pansit Bihon – A family favorite and a constant winner to guests

Fettuccini Carbonara – My sister’s specialty and a treat to those who love creamy pasta dish

Fried Chicken – Another regular entrĂ©e in every occasion, simple but sure to delight everyone

Spaghetti – This Filipino sweet-style pasta dish of sister Ines is as popular and loved as the “pansit bihon” of mom (photo is showing the sauce)

Meat Spring Rolls – Sure to salivate everyone and always gone in no time

Chicken Sopas – A rich and tasty soup dish providing the soothing touch to everyone

Chicken Macaroni – A dessert sure to complete the meal

Leche Flan – The undisputed winner of desserts, everyone’s favorite

After indulging in such an abundance of delicious and delectable foods, expect everyone to be happy and satisfied. It will be shown from their big smiles and blissful behavior.

With the kind of satisfaction exhibited in the above image, be surprised not if the food was all eaten up. And upon learning that all the food prepared for their birthdays was all gone, of course the celebrants will be worried and startled.

And it will require a great amount of convincing and funny antics to set them back to happy moods.

And once again allow everyone to have their customary kisses to babies after the gathering. c“,)

1 comment:

  1. lov, today is charize's 8th monthsary...
    sampelot is ready and of course pancit...
